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Davidson Youth Baseball Association

Davidson Youth Baseball Association


What are DYBA age divisions?

Note: The age your player will be on May 1, 2023 determines what age division she/he will play Fall 2022 and Spring 2023.

Cal Ripken divisions:
• Tee Ball: ages 4-6
• Rookie: ages 7-8 (machine pitch)
• Minor: ages 9-10 (kid pitch)
• Major:  ages 11-12

Babe Ruth divisions:
• Babe Ruth: ages 13-15
• Babe Ruth:  ages 16-18

What are DYBA registration fees?

• Tee Ball: ages 5-6  $125
• Rookie: ages 7-8  $170
• Minor: ages 9-10  $185
• Major:  ages 11-12  $185

• Babe Ruth: ages 13-15  $185
• Babe Ruth:  ages 15-18  $185

Scholarships are available. We just ask that you pay what you can. Please contact us at

What if I want to cancel?

Spring: You may cancel up until skills day and receive a 50% refund. There will be no refunds after skills day. Please contact us at

Fall: You may cancel up until the final day of registration and receive a 50% refund. There will be no refunds after the final day of registration. Please contact us at

What about uniforms?

You will be provided a jersey and ball cap. Your player will need gray baseball pants, a dark (black/navy) belt and dark (black/navy) socks. 

What types of cleats are allowed?

Babe Ruth League players in the 13-17 age divisions are allowed to use metal cleats or rubber/molded cleats. 
Cal Ripken players in the 5-12 age divisions may only use rubber/molded cleats. 

What is a typical practice schedule?

Depending on the age division, teams will practice 2 times per week in the pre-season, shifting to 1-2 practices a week once games begin.  Each practice will be 1 ½ - 2 hours long. (Fewer/shorter practices for the 5/6 year-old T-ball & coach pitch players).
Tball teams have one practice during the week and a game on Saturday.

With what other leagues do we interlock (compete)?

T-ball teams play other DYBA teams only. Older Cal Ripken divisions consist mainly of inter-league play between DYBA teams and possibly some interlock play with neighboring Cal Ripken leagues in the area. 

Babe Ruth divisions play inter-league and also interlock with other Babe Ruth leagues from Stewards of the Game, Mallard Creek, and East Lincoln. 

How many games are played each season?

The goal is to play at least 10 games in the regular season followed by playoffs.  Tball level does not have playoffs.

How are rainouts handled?

We will do our best to reschedule rained out games when possible. 

How are coaches selected?

Most of our coaches are parents with previous community league coaching experience. They undergo coach training to ensure the players have the most ideal experience possible. The ultimate goal for our coaches is to teach skills, promote teamwork and make practices and games fun. 

What is the DYBA community youth baseball program?

DYBA's youth baseball league which interlocks with adjoining community leagues in the spring and fall. No tryouts are required and teams are formed after a player skills assessment to balance skills and experience across teams.

What is the Cooperstown summer trip?

The prestigious Cooperstown Dreams Park Tournament in Cooperstown, NY is an exciting opportunity for young players to experience. DYBA is now able to send a team to participate in this tournament each summer. For 12 straight weeks during the summer, 95 teams from all over the country come to Cooperstown for a dream week of youth baseball. Many parents, siblings and grandparents accompany the team for a most memorable family vacation. The players and coaches room together in team cabins that surround the 22 manicured fields. The approximate cost per player is around $1,000 (excluding travel and team fundraising).  Over 2,500 teams apply each year for the limited spots in this tournament. Go to for more information. 

What bat sizes are allowed?

Please note the implementation of a USABat Standard begins on January 1, 2018. 

Tee Ball

All bats must be marked with the USAbat mark. “Tee Ball” bats currently owned, or purchased now without this mark, can be used, but only when the USAbat mark sticker is purchased (available through The sticker also states, “ONLY FOR USE WITH APPROVED TEE BALLS.” (Tee Ball bats manufactured for sale after Septemebr 1, 2017 have USAbat mark applied at the factory; companies are allowed to sell out their old tee ball inventory, hence, the sticker program.

Cal Ripken Minor and Major Leagues

Only wood bats, or aluminum bats marked with the USABat mark, with a barrel diameter up to 2-5/8” are allowed: BBCOR bats are NOT allowed.  USSSA bats are not allowed.

Babe Ruth 13-15 Baseball Division

Only wood bats, or aluminum bats marked with the USABat mark and composite bats marked BBCOR .50 mark, and with a barrel diameter of 2-5/8”, are allowed.

Babe Ruth 16-18 Baseball Division

Only wood bats, or aluminum bats marked with the USABat mark and composite bats marked BBCOR .50 mark, and with a barrel diameter of 2-5/8”, are allowed, but cannot exceed a drop -3 (-3) ratio.

Other than the USABat mark on aluminum bats, the Babe Ruth Divisions have not really changed.

For more information:

What fields do we use for practices and games?

Tee ball fields are located near the River Run entrance off Concord Road in Davidson. 
McEver Field in Davidson (across from Davidson Elementary on South St.) includes three fields: Field 1 (upper), Field 2 (middle) and Field 3 (lower).
Bradford Field off Hwy. 73 is used for older divisions.
Away games for interlock play may involve travel to surrounding towns.

What about playing up or down?

As a general rule, DYBA does not recommend that players to “play-up" or “play down” in an age division above or below their actual "league age" (as of May 1).  DYBA will consider exceptions to “playing up” based on parent request.  Typically those requests are made in those occasional instances where a player's size, strength and/or skill level is advanced for their actual age level and/or a birthday is within a few months of the age cutoff (May 1).  "Playing down” is not permitted except in the rare instances where there is a high probability of a player being severely injured if they were to play with kids their own age and it is reasonably concluded that the player can play safely in a younger age group.  Requests to play in an age division above or below the age-appropriate division must be approved by the coordinator for their age division in consultation with the the DYBA Board President or Vice President.

Who can play in the DYBA community league?

Any boy or girl from age 5 to 18 in the Lake Norman area is welcome.

Why did we choose the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball affiliation?

Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball and DYBA use similar approaches to teaching the game of baseball: age-based, progressive introduction to more complex rules and play with a strong focus on fundamentals, sportsmanship and teamwork. Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball has developed a solid reputation for youth baseball centered on fun, sound fundamental instruction and good old-fashioned hard work. Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball has over 886,500 players on some 45,200 teams in more than 7,315 leagues across the world.

What is DYBA Opening Day?

Opening Day is a long-standing tradition where we to McEver Field from the Davidson Town Green for our spring opening day ceremony.  All T-ball, Rookies (7/8) and Minors (9/10) players are invited to attend and dress in uniforms.  Parents are welcome to leave kids with coaches at the Town Green and drive down to McEver or walk in the parade with their team. After the singing of our national anthem and first pitch, each player is announced as they run from 3rd to home plate. 

What is the Babe Ruth League Sportsmanship Code?

Develop a strong, clean, healthy body, mind and soul.
Develop a strong urge for sportsman-like conduct.
Develop understanding of and respect for the RULES.
Develop courage in defeat, tolerance and modesty in victory.
Develop control over emotions and speech.
Develop spirit of cooperation and team play.
Develop into real, true CITIZENS.

What is the Robert T. Wylie Sportsmanship Award?

DYBA established the Robert T. Wylie Sportsmanship Award in partnership with the Wylie family in memory of their son Robert, a former Davidson youth baseball player who passed away in 2015. This recognition is by nomination and given annually to a player who has played with DYBA for several seasons and exhibits exemplary character on and off the field. The recipient also demonstrates good sportsmanship, is known for encouraging and helping his/her teammates, displays leadership qualities, demonstrates hard work and dedication to improving individual and team performance, cares about the well-being of others and contributes to positive team morale.


Davidson Youth Baseball Association (DYBA)
PO Box 942 
Davidson, North Carolina 28036


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